A Ghidra visualisation is worth a thousand GDB breakpoints.



Security Researcher

  • Previously focused on privacy issues within mobile applications.

    • Featured in TechCrunch for shining a light on apps screenshot'ing credit card information & passwords.
  • Claimed bounties with: Bird Scooters, the Biden Campaign App, Ring Cameras, Match.com, etc.

  • Nowadays focus on mobile platform security with a recent eye towards native reverse engineering.

  • A virtual reality enthusiast!



  • Classic debugging/reverse engineering

    • Tracking execution with GDB
  • Generating Visualizations - Android Apps

    • Showcase standard tooling
    • Example: Facebook Messenger Native Library
  • Generating Visualizations - Executables

    • Showcasing my frida-cov tool available on github
    • Example: Meta Quest 2 Binaries

Classic Reverse Engineering & Debugging

  • Often we have a binary that we want to understand but won't have the code

    • A mobile application your company uses on their corporate devices,
    • libraries your companies software interfaces with,
    • or run-of-the-mill malware.
  • Generally consists of both dynamic and static analysis

    • Static - Decompiling w/ IDA, Ghidra, Binary Ninja, radare2 etc.
    • Dynamic - Debugging w/ GDB, LLDB, or even Frida
  • Problem: Understanding a large amount of complexity can be time-consuming and wrought with red-herrings.

    • I.e Messengers MCQMessengerOrcaAppLoadThreadViewData function

Example: Quest 2 Game Development

  • You're a VR game developer and you've written a simple game that depends on a utilities library - libosutils.so

    • Note: You don't have the source code for this library.
  • Your game calls getProcessName within libosutils.so to return a process name based on the a pid

    • Perhaps this is part of some anti-cheat engine
  • Go ahead and test out your game and ....

Example: libosutils.so Crash


Example: Debugging libosutils.so

  1. Decompile libosutils.so with your tool of choice and examine getProcessName

    • Static portion of our analysis
  2. Run your game with GDB attached and set a breakpoint on getProcessName

    • Dynamic portion of our analysis
  3. Setting breakpoints within the crashing function

    • In this instance it would be good to set a breakpoint just prior to the crashing instruction at 0x2c9b0
    • Taking detailed notes on the execution flow prior to the crash to understand the program state prior to the crash
  4. Iterate, iterate, iterate

Example: Debugging libosutils.so

Debugging Takeaways

  • Process requires a lot of iterations to comprehend the root-cause of the bug

  • There is potential to reverse engineer functionality that has no relevance

    • Just because it's decompiled doesn't mean you need to look at it
  • Note taking is prone to human-error

  • If only there were a way to quickly collect the ground truth of program execution ...

And we can!

  • Thanks to,
    • Frida - Ole Andre (Maintainer),
      • Provides assembly instruction insight
    • Ghidra,
      • Decompilation & function graphing
    • Cartographer,
      • Ghidra coverage visualization
      • Cartographer patch here
    • and Lighthouse
      • Code coverage collection tool

Generating Visualizations - Facebook Messenger

  • Let's investigate Facebook Messenger's MCQMessengerOrcaAppLoadThreadViewData function within libmsysinfra.so

    • Arbitrarily picked; runs when we open a message.
  • libmsysinfra.so is one of hundreds of libraries imported by Facebook Messenger

    • Represents a real-world example of generating coverage
  • This example could easily extend to generating coverage to debug mobile games

Generating Visualizations - Process Overview

  1. Android device needs to be running frida-server

    • Use frida-trace -U Messenger -i 'libmsysinfra.so!*' to determine calling conditions
  2. Navigate within Lighthouse and run python3 frida-drcov.py -D emulator-5554 Messenger

    • If there are too many threads you may need to narrow it down with the -t thread flag
    • Note that this only works for Android applications, not executables (hint hint)
  3. Load the resulting coverage output into Ghidra via the Cartographer extension

Generating Coverage: Facebook Messenger

Generating Coverage: Facebook Messenger

Importing into Ghidra

Generating Coverage: Executables

  • What if we want to generate coverage for a process that isn't an app?
  • What if we want to generate coverage for a process on a non-rooted device?
  • Unfortunately that was not supported ...
    • Until now!
  • All demo files, patched Cartographer version, and tooling is available at github.com/datalocaltmp/frida-cov

Add another library to the mix

  1. Instead of using frida-server, use frida gadget via LD_PRELOAD=./libgadget.so

  2. Within libgadget.config.so reference the lighthouse modifided javascript frida-drcov.js

  3. frida-drcov.js stores raw coverage data in /data/local/tmp/rawcov.dat

  4. Use modified frida-drcov.py to convert raw data to a coverage map

  5. Load the coverage map into Ghidra!

Obligatory Diagram


Quest 2 Game Development - Round 2

  • Lets see if we can generate the coverage map for getProcessName within libosutils.so

  • We'll attempt a live demo here...

Live Demo!

Or Not!

In Summary

  • Generating visualizations to guide your reverse engineering/debugging tasks can really speed things up

  • There are many features within Cartographer that I haven't mentioned

    • Diffing multiple coverage files to determine difference between inputs,
    • Function execution frequency,
    • Coverage %
  • Good luck!



Notes: * Hi everyone! * Name is datalocaltmp or datalocal"temp". * In today's talk titled "A Ghidra Visualization is worth a thousand GDB Breakpoints" I'll be describing how I've enhanced my reverse engineering and debugging tasks through code coverage visualizations. * Thanks to BSides Montreal for the space and all the hard work they've done gathering everyone!

Notes: * Independent security researcher focused on mobile * Previously dedicated to researching privacy within mobile apps and featured in TechCrunch as "theappanalyst" * Some notable bounty programs I've worked with include Bird Scooters, Biden Campaign App, Ring Cameras, Match.com. * Nowadays I focus on mobile platform security and in particular reverse engineering the native layer * Virtual Reality Enthusiast

Notes: *

Notes: * My goal today is to introduce you to the world of code coverage visualizations all within 25 minutes. I'll try and do this by first.... * Describing a scenario where you would have to do traditional debugging with gdb and a decompiler, highlight some of the shortcomings. * Next I'll show you how to generate these visualizations, specifically for a common Android App (in this instance Facebook Messenger). * Then I'll finish with addressing the first scenario by using code coverage visualizations and hopefully illustrate their benefit.

Notes: * To start I'd like to talk about when you would conduct traditional debugging or reverse engineering. * Often debugging and reversing happens when you have a binary and you want to understand what it's doing but don't have the source code to guide you. * I.e Corporate mobile apps, imported libraries, malware. * This process generally consists of static and dynamic components * Decompiling * Debugging

Notes: * Because I want to have an example that we can actually demo the coverage generation against later, I've written a bit of a toy scenario for the Meta Quest 2. * Lets say you're a game dev who wants to interface with a utilities library on the Quest 2 * Your game calls a function that returns a processes name given a pid, and you're hoping to use this to catch cheaters * You go ahead and test out your game and...

Notes: * Your anti-cheat engine crashes the game and it's all because you wanted to get the process name using that utilities library. * A couple of notes here from this crash dump * 1. We see that we're running this from the command line, that's a toy program I've written that we'll use later to generate coverage. * 2. We can see where the program crashed and we can get underway setting our breakpoints. * And this is when we'd start the debugging process.

Notes: * So finally we can say the general process will look like 1. you decompile the binary and examine the getProcessName function. 2. run your game with the debugger attached and set a breakpoint on the crashing function. 3. set a breakpoint on the crashing function. 4. Iterate until you understand the bug.

Notes: *

Notes: * This is going to take a lot of iterations to get to the root of the bug * During the decompiliation you might be tempted down a path that has no relevance to the bug at hand * Finally, note taking is prone to human-error; you might write-down the wrong offset and investigate something useless. * so in generally it'd be really nice if we could quickly collect the ground truth regarding what's executed.

Notes: * And we can because of all these fine tools * Due to time, the cliff notes are that: * Lighthouse generates the coverage information by using frida to inspect each assembly instruction executed. * Cartographer loads the coverage information into Ghidra for visualization * Note that I had to patch Cartographer to work with the older coverage output produced by lighthouse and that patched cartographer is available on my git.

Notes: * So lets hop into it and generate some coverage * So I've picked facebook messenger since it's somewhat like a lorum ipsum of applications * I've picked an arbitrary function that runs when we open a message * It's worth noting that the library we'll look at is one of hundreds of dependencies in Messenger * and this example really could easily extend to something like mobile game development.

Notes: * I'll have a short video after this but the general process is; * You run frida-server on the device executing the program * Note that it can help to first determine when the function is called using frida-trace * Navigate within the Lighthouse tool and run their coverage generator for the Application * You may crash the process if there are too many threads * Note that this process only works for Android apps (hint that it wouldn't work for the previous Quest example) * Finally, load the output coverage file into the Cartographer Ghidra extension

Notes: * So this is our first attempt at following the process that I outlined above.

Notes: * This time we'll do the same thing but narrow our focus to the thread which is executing the function we're interested in.

Notes: * So now what does it look like to load that coverage data into Ghidra

Notes: * Here we are at the function we've just generated coverage for

Notes: * We load the coverage data and select the module we're interested * I've modified the coverage data to subtly highlight the specific module we're loading

Notes: * O

Notes: * And now we can answer the question I posed earlier; what blocks within the blue and red highlighted area are executed. * Compared to the classic process of using GDB breakpoints we can immediately know the ground truth for program execution.

Notes: * So what about if we want to generate coverage for process that aren't apps or aren't running on a rooted device (a.k.a we can't run frida-server)